Sunday, April 18, 2010

Re-applying of US Visa

I woke up this morning and my mother told me she will re-apply our visas. The US Embassy replied to the complaint sent by my mother and told us that there hasn't been any mistake. :| So she decided to just re-apply and have hope again. And re-applying means doing the same procedure all over again and paying and spending a lot of money.

But I'm too tired to re-apply because I'm afraid we might get denied once again, for the 2nd time. :( I have to brace myself and be ready for what will happen. Only God knows. He has decisions for me. It's fine with me either I get approved or not. Because there two things that's gonna happen.

First, if I got approved, I will be able to join WCOPA this coming July. My dreams will come true. Second, if I will be denied, I will be able to concentrate in my studies and I can take the entrance exams on August. :D So there will be good things in both sides.

Well, jusy check out my Twitter if there will be any latest updates about this.

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