PTC means Paid to click which, well this is quite self-explanatory, you click an advertisement and you get paid per click. Usually it ranges from $0.005-$0.01 and number of ads from 4 and up, well, it depends on the website.
Well in this case, gagabux, it pays $0.01 per click and there’s 15 ads a day. The minimum cash out is $2 with 100 clicks. You can also rent referrals for $0.6. It’s really worth it. :) So if you’re new to this, again, here’s a step by step procedure.
Step 1: Make your PayPal account. [ Here ] You will need this because they will send your payment here. You can skip this step if you already have one. [ Note: If you don’t have a credit card, it’s fine. ]
Step 2: Click Here and make an account. Once you’re done, click the “Surf Ads” tab and start clicking! Click each link and click the red button and a new tab will open and let the ad load. If the buffer says 100%, you can now close the tab and click another ad. Remember, 1 ad at a time.
Tips: Click everyday to earn fast. :) And there’s a “banner” option there where you can get your banner with you referral link and start referring others like what I’m doing. :) Note, more referral, more earnings. :)
If you have any questions, ask me here or leave a tag. :)