Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December. Lovely.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
World Championships of Performing Arts in Hollywood, California :)
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Durat Al Sharq International School.
NSIS have been through a really rough situation these past few weeks and I'm getting enough of it. Not only me, but my school mates too, I assume. I know I tried my best with all my wit to be as loyal as I can but this is just too much. I don't even know if I will be able to graduate if I continue and stay. The bottom line: TRANSFER.
Transferring doesn't mean I hated my school. I just wanna make sure I'll have a smooth studying flow and have decent and genuine grades with me. Moreover, I'm SICK of vacations already! I want activities. SCHOOL activities. WITH my mates. It really saddens all of us. And the events are breaking our hearts. We can't imagine it suddenly came to an end.
Now, almost half of the class will be transferring to POIS, or Pearl of the Orient International School, now known as DASIS, Durat Al Sharq International School.
I love my school, but something just don't seem right.
YES! I know this is gonna be so exciting but at the back of my mind, I still worry about the test questions that will come up in the exam. Is it THAT hard? My friend told me that it's more of a "STOCKED KNOWLEDGE" questions. I can't imagine what she meant but I'm looking forward for it. Although it sounds like pretty much an oxymoron for me. :))
For now, I would like to thank all my mentors, Kuya K, for giving us tips and advices for the UPCAT, Ma'am Sebastian, Ma'am Atienza and Ma'am Japson. Thank you so much. I would also like to thank Ma'am Laguardia as well as Tito Eli for supporting us. I wouldn't forget my family who always pushes me when an opportunity pass by. I owe you all so much.
I will try my very best not to flunk the test!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Card Day. Uniform. Building.
Yesterday, I got my uniform and guess what? I'm gonna wear today! It's not about being excited or something but my classmates and I agreed that we're gonna try wearing it starting today, since we only have like 5 or 6 months left before we graduate. And at last! I am now able to use my LEATHER SHOES that match with my blue uniform. :)
Anyway, we will be moving buildings again next week. On Saturday, to be specific. In addition to that, we will be enrolled to an American Curriculum School! How cool is that? I know I sound aggressive, posting all these kinds of news on my blog. But it ain't easy to keep it all inside my head. It's like occupying almost 50% of my daily problems! Not really problems but how can I say it? :))
Sooooo, I'll try to post my grades later when I get home. :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Rush post!
I just hope I pass UPCAT and take up BA Journalism in Diliman. Please, I need this. :))
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ramadan Schedule and Chocolate Truffles
When we got there, at almost 8pm, the mall was still close and a lot of people were waiting outside the automatic door of the building, amazingly sweaty because of the hot weather. We waited for at least 15 mins until the glass automatic door opened at last. It felt so good when the cold air from the air conditioner of the mall touched the wet parts of my neck and face. :)) I can almost sleep comfortably. Anyway, when we got in, all of the stores inside were still closed, none of them were open. So again, we waited, we strolled and we window shopped from the closed dark stores. The good thing is, Jollibee was already opened so we helped ourselves! :>
I won't elaborate much further on that but I just noticed that THERE WERE A LOT OF CUTE BABIES WALKING AROUND! Like nooooo they're so cute, I'm gonna die! :))=)) And when the grocery store opened, we rushed inside and I grabbed a bag of semi sweet chocolate chips and a bottle of milk for my very first experiment, Chocolate Truffles de Karla. :)) Well, there's nothing special about it actually. I just wanted to do it and it will be my very first time making a sweet like that. :) I decided to just do it tomorrow because as said in the instructional video on Youtube, we have to use HEAVY CREAM, not MILK. I wasn't just paying enough attention to the ingredients. :))
So bye for now. I'll post an entry tomorrow about what will happen to my Chocolate Truffles. :)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Facebook's App Baking Life
Actually, when I was in 3rd year high school, me, my classmates and my teachers themselves, got addicted in playing facebook games which are really addicting in the first few months of playing it. For example, Cafe World is a game where we cook food and serve them but there's a little twist. When you cook food, there's a time duration where you have to actually wait for the food to finish cooking and serve it in time before it spoils out. There are 3 mins, 5 mins up to 2 days. You have to be really patient with this and you have to have a really good internet connection, since you have to keep up with the time duration of a specific food in the game. It's also the same with Farmville, but instead of cooking, it's farming.
I won't elaborate further on Cafe World and Farmville because we all know about it, but Baking Life is new to me. My mother was playing it and I got a little intrigued about it. A little trivia about me is that everything concerning BAKING or making pastries and cakes catches my attention. So since Ramadan Break is coming, and there's nothing to do, I decided to try the game out. It turned out to be really addicting and I started playing it the day before yesterday. What happening now is I am reminiscing my 3rd year life because the addiction I'm feeling right now is a hundred percent the same with what I felt before. My mind's telling me to stop this and focus on my studies this coming holiday but my heart's telling me to enjoy the break and give my brain some rest and have fun. Well, what will I choose? :)) I'm being torn apart. But I guess it'll be a 50-50 decision, since both are parts of my system. :)) And I can't get on with the saying ALL WORK AND NO PLAY. That'll just kill me instantly.
And it's already quarter to 11pm here and I just signed out my Y!M because I'm getting ready to sleep, even though exams tomorrow will start at 2pm. I haven't reviewed ANY of the exams for yesterday because I know I still have time tomorrow morning for a light review and I know I'm good at cramming. :)) And yes, I almost forgot, I'm also good at PROCRASTINATING. :D
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ramadan Kareem!
Anyways, there was a rumor that the Ramadan break will be 5 weeks! Or 1 month and a week! Honestly, I have this two side me which one agrees and is happy because of another long vacation, and the other that disagrees because once the break is done, I'll be lazy again when the classes starts. :)) And yeah, the MOE keeps on visiting our school for some reasons. Maybe because they're a bit bored since the Saudi schools are on vacation. :))
That's all for today. Actually, I'm too lazy to make a blog entry but I know this will help my English proficiency. xD Geez.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
First Quarter Exams -- STRESS!
You have to like expand your thinking capacities and look over every bit of the given information and see if you can find a way to either solve it or label it "Undefined" :)) I just love our teacher in Calcu, he turns my brain into soup.
While the other subject, Computer, which I haven't reviewed yet because I'm so irresponsible that I left my hand outs at school, is quite difficult. It's all about programming and the total items for the exam tomorrow is 100, 30 points for the written and 70 POINTS for the storyboard we were asked to do. And guess what? I'm not yet done with the storyboard that was supposed to be passed today! Fortunately, the deadline was extended and was moved until next week. Thank Goodness. :)
So yeah, I'll try reviewing for Computer right now because I have the book. I'll just continue reviewing it tomorrow once I get back to school. My handouts are actually compiled in a folder together with my Advance Chemistry hand outs. :) So, good luck to me. :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
You and I by Park Bom Cover :)
So this is my cover of You and I by Park Bom. :) I enjoyed a lot in covering this song because of the harmonies. Well, I also did the backing vocals so yeah, I had fun. :D Hope you like it!
Here's the link to youtube:
School Newsletter -- First Publication!
Since our first meeting, I already made 3 articles entitled "Better Discipline for a Better Learning", "New SSC President's Speech - A Controversy" and "Teachers' Seminar for a Better Learning Experience." As much as I wanted to post those articles here, I am not allowed since our first publication isn't issued yet. And my articles were not yet edited by our Editor-in-Chief. Well, I'm proud of being a Newsletter Staff. I know I'm nosy but I make sure I keep my mouth SHUT. :)) As long as the news are juicy, an article should be written. It should be hot. Thanks to Mrs. Zeres Sebastian, our Newsletter adviser, for giving us pointers and guidelines about Journalism. We love you Ma'am. :) And honestly, I am more afraid of her than my other terror teachers. I just don't know why. :)) She's not terror by the way, she is a soft spoken person. :) But every time she asks me about the progress of the staff, I shake when I can't say anything. :)) And I really don't have any idea why!
Oh well, back to work!
PS: I plan to make a story, well, a fictional one. :)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Whew. Senior year.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Long time!
Yes! After a long span of time, now I’m able to post another blog entry again. Pardon me for doing so. It’s been almost a month since my last post, and honestly, I was really lazy that I drove myself to forget that I still have a blog. lol.
Anyway, it’s June 16 and it’s Wednesday, perhaps the last day of the weekdays. 1 week of classes is over and I have a bunch of stories to tell. Let me start from the very first day. :)
You see, I’m in my fourth year in high school. I’ll be leaving sooner and I still can’t accept it. :)) So the first day was very exciting that I had butterflies in my stomach. I entered the room and saw Cyril, Joshua and James. I was so happy to see them, and unconsciously, I hugged them. :)) Then we started talking about Sam, who WAS, as I thought, not be able to enroll in the school again for some circumstances. Later on, one by one they came. My old friends, my old classmates. I really missed them.
The teacher came and started pointing out the transferees and told them to introduce themselves. The transferees, especially the girls, were a bit hesitant to introduce themselves in front of the class cause maybe, I was thinking, they are still shy. I understand them since I was also a transferee after I came here in my school. At the first day, there were only 4 of them. But now, there are 7 transferees in total. :)) All from Badr International School except for one.
Now, the classes started. I was surprised because after a little while, Sam entered the room! I was a bit irritated with the the creaking of the door that I didn't noticed it was him. Then after days of being together again with my old classmates together with the new ones, I told myself "This year's gonna be a lot more fun than the previous years I've experienced here. I'm looking forward for this." I expect a lot now. Although I believe that less expectations, less disappointments, I can't help but dream of the upcoming days to spend with the rest of my mates and ending our fourth year together, living it to the fullest.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The New School Building
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Al Shallal!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Bret Alan Jackson II
Thursday, April 29, 2010
3rd Year Life

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Cover: Speechless by Lady Gaga
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Contest: Organized or Messy Desk - Which is Better?
Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber
Jeddah Pop Icon 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Dollars :D
If you’re new to this, let me explain to you how this works.
PTC means Paid to click which, well this is quite self-explanatory, you click an advertisement and you get paid per click. Usually it ranges from $0.005-$0.01 and number of ads from 4 and up, well, it depends on the website.
Well in this case, gagabux, it pays $0.01 per click and there’s 15 ads a day. The minimum cash out is $2 with 100 clicks. You can also rent referrals for $0.6. It’s really worth it. :) So if you’re new to this, again, here’s a step by step procedure.
Step 1: Make your PayPal account. [ Here ] You will need this because they will send your payment here. You can skip this step if you already have one. [ Note: If you don’t have a credit card, it’s fine. ]
Step 2: Click Here and make an account. Once you’re done, click the “Surf Ads” tab and start clicking! Click each link and click the red button and a new tab will open and let the ad load. If the buffer says 100%, you can now close the tab and click another ad. Remember, 1 ad at a time.
Tips: Click everyday to earn fast. :) And there’s a “banner” option there where you can get your banner with you referral link and start referring others like what I’m doing. :) Note, more referral, more earnings. :)
If you have any questions, ask me here or leave a tag. :)
Last Night's Guesting
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A Dream
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sherlock Holmes
Now I'm getting addicted again. It gets me excited every time I hear his name. GOODNESS I really love Sherlock Holmes.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Re-applying of US Visa
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My Skull Candy Earphones

Friday, April 16, 2010
One of the Coolest day this month :)
First, we went to Memega beside Sony World and bought my very first Skull Candy Earphones! [photos tomorrow :D] It's color is pink and it was unplanned! I never thought my father would buy me too since it's only my sister's plan to buy one. But I took advantage and looked if there's something I like and fortunately my father decided to buy it *well, he has a bonus :))*
Next we went to IKEA! Where good things happen. :)) We bought a new table and some new furnitures. AND! The best part was when we ate in the food court. There was this girl beside our table with a cool blonde hair whom I never thought would look like HAYLEY WILLIAMS! I was so out of my mind that I thought if I can ask her if I can take a picture with her. I was so panicking but then I realized it's not actually Hayley so why bother? :)) It was really funny. :)
Later on, my mother went to buy ice cream for her and my sister. She asked for 2 ice creams that costs 4 riyals each. But then, the guy gave her 6 ice creams I think that costs 1 riyal each. And the funny thing is, me, my sister, and mom ate 2 ice creams at a time! COOL! That was my first time eating and holding 2 ice creams. :)) Oh how I love this day.
PS: I was looking for a plushie and unfortunately I didn't found one. :'(
Boring Summer
Thursday, April 15, 2010
My Blogspot
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New School Uniform