Promenade 2011
So these are my friends during the Prom night last January 25, 2011. I know it was a bit early for a promenade, I mean WE all know, but our school was looking for a cheaper amount of booking and they ended up booking for the earlier date. And the usual thing, it was held in Al Waha, Elite hotel. Almost every year, the prom is held in that hotel and not only the prom but also some other school activities and the non-academic activities as well.
So talk about the photo. All of them are seniors and they are what we call my "barkada". I've been with them since I came here and I know I will still be when I left this country. This is actually my last prom, since I am a senior.

And these are my girlfriends. :> I'm the one in pink so yeah, I'm a bit alienated. lol. The one in the farthest left is my best friend. And the rest are my COOLEST FRIENDS. I mean, I have more cool friends that are not in this picture. It just happens that the rest of them are busy with their own business at the moment this picture was taken.

And what's this? You asking? These are my buddies, trying to revive my dying shoes. My shoes are pink and it has a bow in front of it. And that night, unfortunately, one of the bows loosen up and eventually fell apart from my shoes. I was panicking. I was looking for at least a glue or something sticky to put it back together. But then the boys saw me running back and forth the hall and lend a hand. They saw a red ribbon just beside our line and decided to tie it around to settle it. But then I thought, "How about the other one? It doesn't look like they match if it doesn't have the red thingy too." So, out of their creativeness, they tied the red ribbon to the other and it was already balanced. Aaaaand..

I proudly present to you! THE FINISHED PRODUCT! LOOOL. It looked pretty much okay to me. I wore it like that the whole night but when the party started, I decided to just remove it and keep the ribbon. I was afraid that maybe when I'm partying hard, it'll just fall off and I can't find it. 
This is my partner, well, 3 years partner actually, in the social dance and pretty much my prom date. LOL. He's a good guy, actually. He's been my partner since I started joining the prom and I comfortable with him only too well. And he dances pretty good. Must be because he's a hip hop dancer and a music lover. He goes with the beat. But honestly, the music that we used in the cotillion was far too hard to follow. At first it's like so damn slow but suddenly goes a lot more faster than normal. So our social dance was a bit wrecked up but I still liked it.
Anyway, he's got a hat and everybody mocks him. They call him Jose Rizal. But he doesn't mind. LOL. They didn't notice he was wearing contacts.

During the candle lighting ceremony. :) We sang Firework by Katy Perry. :)
Aaaand during the social dance. :D


It was a very lovely night. But I admit I sort of hated the last part since I went home early and I'm not yet satisfied. LOL.
I will miss all of these. I will miss of the Seniors. I will everyone. And I will miss HIGH SCHOOL.
For more photos, visit my Facebook.
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